Fumble Folks
Clothing & Bags, RPG Content, Wholesale Options, Greetings Cards, Pride & Identity
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Fumble Folks are content creators, publishers, streamers and event organisers based in Cardiff, South Wales. They have written four adventures for D&D 5th Edition, the first of which has been written specifically for brand new GMs who wish to run the game for the first time. The adventures are available in physical or digital format on Etsy, DriveThruRPG, their website and in a variety of stores across the UK.
They also have a successfully funded Kickstarter - The Ritual Spellbook and Witch Class for 5e - which will make its debut at the 2023 UK Games Expo.
As well as this, they create beautiful greetings cards and LGBTQ+ inspired t shirts that can be found on Etsy and their website.
Fumble Folks are always on the lookout to work with like-minded nerds, including artists, writers and streamers who may wish to collaborate on projects.
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